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About Us

TWC came about on a rainy afternoon during lockdown when we inherited a small and humble dehydrator. I, for one, was very excited to start creating yummy snacks and garnishes for our afternoon drinks. 

Since there wasn't much else to do during that week, I was able to put a lot of time and effort into the garnishes, experimenting with different flavours and ingredients. I ordered some pouches to gift my creations to friends after we were all free again, but my excitement took over and I decided to create a logo and a business name.


Soon enough my partner and I were doing trips to the Adelaide Hills every other day to source local citrus and fruits. We bought a few more dehydrators and spent three months experimenting before launching the website in September 2021. 

Since then, we've supplied our garnishes to Gluttony Fringe Festival, Prohibition, Gang 99 Social, Tony & Mark's and continue to expand our product range and stockists. We are forever coming up with ways that we can preserve and enjoy our local goodies, whilst eliminating waste wherever possible (such as making natural body scrubs from the citrus offcuts!!) 

Lots of love,



Meet the Reps!


Paula, Julio and Diego.

Paula is a young version of my vibrant and cheeky Dutch grandmother. Julio is our main dude who loves a limoncello and takes care of all things citrus. Then we have Diego, in honour of my fireman father who accidentally lit our house on fire whilst cleaning the kitchen. 

You're in safe hands with these three!

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